Corporate Information

MFSD is a limited liability company incorporated under Italian laws

Registered office:  Via del Vecchio Politecnico, 9, 20121 Milan, Italy

Registered at the ordinary section of the Register of Companies of the Milan Chamber of Commerce at no. R.E.A. MI - 1774023, Fiscal Code and VAT no. 04810100968

Accredited as .it Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center at Registry .it -
Registered at the Registry of Mediation Centers of the Italian Ministry of Justice no. 903 -
Registered at the Registry of MediationTraining Centers of the Italian Ministry of Justice no. 392 -
Approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as URS Dispute Resolution Service Provider -

MFSD is owner of the domain name, the trade name and the trademark MFSD

Professional Liability Insurance (E&O) Lloyd's no. 10492527A - coverage 1,000,000 €